Customers, Partners and Friends:
We hope that you all are remaining physically healthy and emotionally strong during this difficult time. The team at Information Systems Corporation is taking the imposing threat from the COVID-19 virus seriously and we are striving to keep our team, community and nation safe.
During these challenging times, ISC will continue to fully support your software needs remotely as usual. All standard policies outlined in our software support contract that can be found at remain valid. We will be suspending on-site meetings and routine hardware maintenance until we have a better handle on the COVID-19 outbreak and the CDC states that it is safe to resume daily activities. We will be offering emergency on-site services throughout this period if keeping your production system up and running requires it. If you are in need of any hardware support, please contact our support team at or call 800-359-1048 and we will do everything in our power to serve you in the safest manner possible.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation and evaluate additional measures to support you. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, or if there is any additional support that we can provide at this time. We are always here for you and thank you for your partnership through the years.
Kind Regards,
CEO and President